Friday, September 13, 2013

5 Day Total Body Workout

5 Day Total Body Workout
(approximately 50 minutes/day)
Day 1:   30 Min cardio (treadmill, elliptical or bike)
               100 crunches on the bosu ball
              100 twisting crunches on the bosu ball (alternating sides)
                (3 x 10)  Chest press
                (3 x 10)  Tricep machine
                (3 x 10)  Bicep machine
                (3 x 10)  Shoulder press
               Free Weights: (5lb, 8 lb or 10 lb dumbells)
                (1 x 10) Lateral Raises to the front (lift weights directly in front of body until they    are parallel with the floor)
                (1 x 10)  Lateral Raises to the side (lift weights directly to the side until they are   parallel with the floor)
                (1 x 10)  Butterfly Raises (Bend over slightly where shoulders are directly above knees holding weights in front of you, lift arms to the side....should look like flapping wings)
                 *Final Move:  hold handstand against the wall for 1 minute*
Day 2:   30 Min cardio (treadmill, elliptical or bike)
                100 crunches on the bosu ball
                 100 twisting crunches on the bosu ball (alternating sides)
                 (3 x 10) Leg Extensions
                  (3 x 10) Hamstring curls
                 Floor Work:
                  25 Booty Circles to front on left leg (On hands and knees, lift left knee straight to the side until parallel with floor and circle back down  moving towards the back.....repeat)
                  P.S.- You WILL look and feel like a dog lifting his leg....but it WILL be worth it!!!
                  25 Booty Circles to back on left leg (This will be the same motion as previous move but in reverse......On hands and knees, lead left foot to the back and circle up and around leading your left knee towards the front...should look like you are trying to circle your knee over an invisible bar)
                  25 Booty Circles to front on right leg
                  25 Booty Circles to back on right leg
                 25 Donkey Kicks on left leg and hold (On hands and knees, extend left heel diagonally behind you to about a 45 degree angle.....HOLD LAST ONE FOR 30 SECONDS!)
                 25 Donkey Kicks on right leg and hold
             *Final Move:  Hold plank position for 1 minute to 1 minute 30 seconds* 

Day 3:  repeat Day 1

Day 4:  repeat Day 2

Day 5 :    30 Min cardio (treadmill, elliptical or bike)
               100 crunches on the bosu ball
              100 twisting crunches on the bosu ball (alternating sides)

                (4 x 25) pushups
                (2 x 50) walking lunges alternating legs
                (4 x 25) calf raises
                *Final Move:  plank for 1 minute and hold handstand against wall for 1 minute)*


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